Thursday, April 12, 2012

We had a blast Easter Egg hunting!  Hudson had so many eggs in his basket he kept dropping them and having to pick them back up!  Brooks was only interested in what was in the egg.  He was on a Major sugar high before we left for church!

Aunt Jennifer had to keep us styling with these sunglasses!!!  Well they were for Hudson but look who had to join in on the fun:)!


Brooks didn't want to let go of his Easter basket (or pail) during picture time.  How cute are we??  Stylin'!
Couldn't leave out the proud parents!  These boys make us SO HAPPY (and of course tired:))!

 Only 3.5 and I already look like a big boy!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Aunt Jennifer!!!!  She turned 31 on Easter Day!!

We also got to see our Counsins this weekend!!!  Mommy's camera battery went dead so maybe Aunt Tonya will send some pics!!!

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