Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Brooks' boo boo on his nose

Here is a text I got from Miss Caty - Brooks' teacher.....the actual scratch came from sucking his thumb during the night...

From Miss Caty......

Ms. Shawanda and I were asking Brooks about his nose boo boo and he said "I fell down on the sidewalk and a car ran over me." We asked if it was a real car or fake car and he said "Fake car." Then we asked who was driving and he said "Mommy and Hudson." And when we asked him later he said "I fell down and Daddy ran me over." He's too funny, just had to share :)

Friday, May 3, 2013


We had a blast today at Carowinds! Could not have asked for a better day. Mommy even rode the Intimidator roller coaster!