Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy V Day! and our past weekend!

Happy Valentine's Day!  The boys enjoyed cupcakes for breakfast (what little they ate) and Ashley surprised me with Sunflowers and a spa gift card!  Here are a few pics:

And then there was the weekend....the day started off great!  Ashley took the boys to a near by pond to play and of course they wanted to climb a rock instead of looking for ducks:)....
After enjoying a great family dinner on Sunday we returned home only moments later for Brooks to fall and land him in urgent care....luckily they do glue instead of stitches now!!  Picture is post would not want to see pre glue!  He handled everything well and the next day nothing seemed to phase him because he was back to fearless Brooks.  Of course, mommy would get a call from school on Monday morning because Brooks had fallen racing his friends and had a HUGE knot on his head!  My anxiety has been high this week but I am sure this is only a sign of what is to come........

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Ashley and Hudson had fun at the circus today!! Hudson said the dragons were his favorite....the paper ones that shoot fire at the end!