Monday, October 29, 2012

Hanging with Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Ryan all day Saturday!

Look at the fun we had!!!  Brooks tried to dress himself and Hudson got a soccer medal!

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Quicks vs The Brockingtons pumpkin

Check out the hard work going on during Halloween!!!  Oh what we will do for our little ones!  Hudson was so excited and Brooks kept calling it Batman.....

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Much needed hair cuts!!!!

Hudson enjoyed riding in an airplane while his hair was being cut!  On the other hand, Brooks didn't want to ride in the police car, airplane, train, etc and opted to ride in mommy's lap while he got his cut!!  I told them to go short with Brooks because I wouldn't be coming back any time soon:).  Goodbye curls for now:(................

Monday, October 15, 2012


Brooks was so proud of himself when he got the donuts open without mommy seeing!!!!!!!!!  The white powder was a giveaway to the store clerk......the boys thought he wouldn't notice!