Monday, June 25, 2012

Leaving Clemson (for the time being hopefully)....Grandmama retires

I hope the boys get to know Clemson as the place where I was raised.  It is bittersweet my mother is now moving on to Lake Norman from Clemson to be with my dad but I will make sure that Clemson holds a place in the boys' hearts like it has mine.

Monday, June 11, 2012

A few pics from last week's happenings....

Daddy took us to visit our neighboring horse Brownie (whose real name is Junior...thanks to Aunt Jennifer the boys got to name him:)).
Oh Brooks....I turn around in the front seat to see my little Brooks with his sunglasses on...he prefers to wear them upside down...

And then there was the last cake pop from Brooks' party.....

Monday, June 4, 2012

Brooks' 2nd Birthday!!!!

So hard to believe that Brooks is officially 2!!!!  More pictures to come but here are a few....